School Rules

  1. Every student should bring the school diary daily to school. If a student loses the diary, he/she will be subjected to disciplinary action. A fine of Rs. 25/- will be levied and a new diary will have to purchased.
  2. All the students must be clean and neatly dressed in the school uniform according to the winter and summer season. Black shoes with laces by boys/ black shoes with buckles by girls are to be worn at all times except for days when the class has games or PT., on those days they should wear plain white canvas shoes with white laces. The specification is made with a view to ensure uniformity and prevent children from pressuring their parents into avoidable expenses.
  3. Students’ behavior in the bus should be polite and any indiscipline behaviour in the school bus will make the student ineligible to use school transport. All the buses have teachers to take care of students.
  4. Care must be taken of all school property and no student should scratch or spoil the desk or chair, or board of walls of school. Anyone who sees some thing damaged should immediately report to the school authorities. Each class will be responsible for taking care of class property. Any damage done will be made good by damager.
    1. No books (other than  text books, library books) magazine or papers may be brought to the school.
    2. Students are strictly forbidden to bring mobile /cell phones to school. Driving of vehicles to school by students is not allowed.
    3. Students should not bring crackers, explosives and other dangerous material to school. Disciplinary action will be taken against such offenders.
    4. Students are advised not to bring any valuable or money to school. School is not responsible for any loss of such kind.
  5. Hillwoodians should behave in courteous manner whenever they go. They should always remember that the School is judged by their conduct.
  6. The school reserves to itself the right to dismiss students whose progress in studies is steadily unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students or whose guardian show no interest in the progress of their ward. Immorality, grave insubordination, contempt of authority or willful damage to property is always a sufficient reason for immediate dismissal.
  7. Any student found using unfair means in any examination will be debarred from that exam. Repetition of same will result in dismissal.
  8. Parents and guardians are not allowed to visit their wards or their teachers in the classrooms.
  9. Students should take care to switch off lights and fans while leaving the room. Running and shouting inside the school building is unbecoming and forbidden.


Rules Concerning Absence

    • No one who is late or has been absent on the previous day will be admitted to the class without the permission of the class Teacher / Head Mistress.
    • Except in the case of unforeseen illness, no leave may be taken without prior sanction from school authorities. Leave for more than 3 days accompanied with medical certificate must be sent.
    • Every absence must be entered briefly in the leave record and signed by parent or guardian in the diary.
    • Student will not be sent early with parents on test day (Wednesday) if child is found fit to sit in class. No request will be entertained.
    • Repeated absence of child without leave or absence for more than 5 consecutive days renders the students liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission will be totally at school’s discretion with payment of Re-admission fee.
    • Students suffering from chicken pox, measles, mumps and conjunctivitis should produce a doctor’s certificate starting that child is fit after the infectious period of disease is over.
    • In all the cases when student is not able to attend the school for a day, a note from the guardian is necessary.
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